Sunday, January 16, 2011

Caring for Bonsai

You can care for your bonsai in a simple way, but that too needs its own knowledge so that you may live long bonsai. While doing the measuring irrigation advance Ph levels and groundwater to help us give the dose of water on bonsai. Give the water at the first time bonsai plant, and do not forget to give it more water during dry weather and rising air temperatures. Choose a pot that can flatten flush water into various directions. To choose a fertilizer fertilizer nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to balance levels of oxygen in the soil and plant health. Give the vitamins to add luster of leaves, twigs and branches and strengthen others. Trim the twigs, leaves, branches that grow out of regular shape we want, is also a disturbing form of wild roots. When pruning discuss it so that does not cause injury stems trimmed. Bonsai Place where the morning sunlight, but sheltered from the blazing afternoon sun. To prevent pests, provide anti-pest which you can buy at the store plants. Consult with experts medicinal plants to provide a suitable pesticide for your Bonsai plant.

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